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Kehillat Nashira
Mar 28, 20241 min read
Tzav - 60 second video sermon
Yesterday I sat my final rabbinical exam in the laws of Jewish mourning, Aveilut. So it felt apt to find something in this week's...

Kehillat Nashira
Mar 8, 20241 min read
Vayakhel - 60 second sermon
Mirror mirror on the wall... in our parasha, Vayakhel, Moshe attempts to refuse the gift of mirrors to the Mishkan on the basis that...

Kehillat Nashira
Jan 19, 20241 min read
Bo - 60 second video sermon
Much can be said about Pharaoh's heart hardening and being heartened and the implications for free will... but today, I'm interested in...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Bereishit Toldot
Parashat Toldot Divar Torah by Miriam Lorie - 24th November 2022 Our parasha is named Toldot, and begins with the words וְאֵלֶּה...

Kehillat Nashira
Nov 21, 20231 min read
Bereishit Toldot - 60 second video sermon
This week, Miriam Lorie is joined by her colleague Sarah Beth Neville @sarah_beth_nev this week to discuss the parasha Toldot. Isaac...

Kehillat Nashira
Nov 17, 20231 min read
Toldot - 60 second video sermon
This week Miriam is joined by her friend Sarah-Beth Neville. Isaac digging wells isn't the most obvious place to go in this week's...

Kehillat Nashira
Nov 3, 20231 min read
Vayera - 60 second sermon
#bringthemhome #shabbatshalom #parasha #Vayera #miraclesdohappen
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Kehillat Nashira
Oct 12, 20231 min read
Bereishit - 60 second video sermon
The midrash says that God created multiple worlds before settling on our one. Click here to watch Miriam's 60 second video sermon. But...

Kehillat Nashira
Sep 7, 20231 min read
Nitzavim Vayelech - 60 second sermon
In this week's 60 second video Miriam suggests you listen to this song, which puts these gorgeous Torah words to music. There have been...

Kehillat Nashira
Aug 31, 20231 min read
Ki Tavo - 60 second video sermon
It's Ellul! It's 2 weeks until Rosh Hashanah! It's my bat mitzvah sedra Ki Tavo! Bring on the ceremonies, symbols and metaphorical...
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Kehillat Nashira
Jun 22, 20231 min read
Korach - 60 second video sermon
Ok so everyone is keen to point out why Korach is such a baddie in this week's parasha and don't get me wrong, I don't disagree. But...

Kehillat Nashira
Jun 22, 20231 min read
Chukat - 60 second video sermon
It's in this week's parasha where a black hole of death takes place, unmentioned, eerily skipped. But I think there's a hint as to mass...

Kehillat Nashira
Jun 7, 20231 min read
Bechaalotecha - 60 second video sermon
Content warning - suicide The Torah does not shy away from this heavy subject, nor does it minimise it or surround it with shame. On the...
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Kehillat Nashira
Jun 1, 20231 min read
Nasso - 60 second video sermon
Sending blessings - in contents as well as wishes - from the Lake District... #shabbatshalom #parasha #nasso #dvartorah
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Kehillat Nashira
May 17, 20231 min read
Bemidbar - 60 second video sermon
We're ALL counted so we ALL count! Err not quite. At least in this limited human world. Gratitude to the scholar and meditation leader...

Kehillat Nashira
May 11, 20231 min read
Behar Bechukotai - 60 second video sermon
he Torah is a deep dark book. And I'm not making up the connection with the garden of Eden because one line in Bechukotai says that if we...
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Kehillat Nashira
May 4, 20231 min read
Emor - 60 second video sermon
What is the essence of Shabbat? How can we keep the spirit of Shabbat beyond the letter of the laws? And how does this effect this...
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Kehillat Nashira
Apr 20, 20231 min read
Tazria - 60 second video sermon
Imagine living in a world where your hidden actions were displayed for all to see. No thank you! But the more veiled world we live in...

Kehillat Nashira
Apr 13, 20231 min read
Shmini - 60 second video sermon
It has been a difficult week for many of us. If anyone has been affected by recent awful events with what happened to the Dee family, and...

Kehillat Nashira
Mar 30, 20231 min read
Tzav - 60 second video sermon
Leavened and unleaved bread in this week's Torah portion, on Pesach, and in within US! Indebted in these ideas to my teacher Rav Alex...
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