The highly acclaimed Torah L'Am course, written by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum, is on offer for you to learn online between June and September. The course is taught by our wonderful Miriam Lorie.

The course is brought to you by Yeshivat Maharat, JOFA Australia, JOFA UK and Lead at the Jewish Leadership Council. Thanks to the generous support of donors, the course is subsidised by 90% and available for a contribution fee of only £50. Only 5 spaces left, alongside a cohort of fabulous Australian students - apply by Sunday 18th June or earlier to avoid disappointment. About Torah L'Am
This innovative course equips students to open the Torah at any page, understand the significance of any given passage to the wider context, analyse a text and step into your own personal resonance with and response to that passage. By September, you will have all the tools to deliver your own Dvar Torah, developed over the course through assignments which gradually build towards this final presentation. Apply here: More information about the course The course is divided between self-guided learning on a specially-designed Moodle educational learning platform, live webinars, and assignments. ● In the self-guided time, participants spend an hour each week clicking through their course pages. This covers reading, videos, music and pictures. ● The live webinars, spread throughout the course are an opportunity for “extra enrichment” on subjects like training in using the Sefaria website as a Torah learning resource, or dealing with difficult Torah texts. We have found that the social element in these webinars is a crucial galvaniser in online study. ● The assignments are spaced across the course. The course teacher takes time to closely assess these, and offer feedback to each student. ● On average students should dedicate two hours each week to this course A hardcopy course textbook and online course will be provided to all applicants. Who is it for? The course is open to ALL. The contents are best suited to those who have some background in Hebrew reading and a basic grounding in Jewish learning. Dates The Torah L'Am course involves significant independent work that is self-guided, including click-through reading, watching and assignments. However, there are live sessions as well. Please review the dates to ensure your availability to do this course. Introductory Webinar: Wednesday 21st June 10-11:30am BST Optional assignment clinic: Monday 3rd July 10-11am BST Optional assignment clinic: Monday 17th July 10-11am BST Sefaria training Webinar : Monday 24th July 10-11:30am BST Optional assignment clinic: Monday 31st July 10-11am BST Dealing with Troubling Texts Webinar: Wednesday 9th August 10-11:30am BST Optional assignment clinic: Monday 4th September 10-11am BST Sikkum (evaluation), Presentations and Siyyum (finale): Wednesday 6th September 10am-12pm BST We ask that students attend at least 3 out of the 4 webinars. Participation on zoom, with cameras on, is required for these sessions Ready to apply? Here's the link: